Greetings and salutations, if you would allow me to introduce myself... my name is Daniel and that is what I like to be called. In case you wanted to know what I look like (I'll put up some pics eventually)... I'm 6 ft with turquoise eyes (blue green on the outside, yellowish toward the middle kinda like a sun/star burst), dirty blond hair, and I prefer a trimmed beard because I hate that smooth feeling on myself due to it simply feeling unnatural to me. I am more of an introverted kind of person, though there will be times when I crave extroversion. I am very open-minded and love to listen.
I can be critical in my judgment of people before I get to know them, but hey, in my defense the meaning of my first name is all about judgment, (; however once someone is my friend it takes a lot to shake or break that bond. I took a massage therapy course in college (licensed and certified). I took it because I have always had "magic hands" I just wanted to make it legit. Currently I'm re-entering college to become a Physician's Assistant. I'm taking it for a couple of reasons: one being that it fits me with the whole helping theme, and two it is a job that will be secure.
From time to time I can be intuitive, I'll even have moments when I pick up on stuff from people. Things like how they are feeling or what they are thinking before they even speak. On other occasions sometimes people feel better or uplifted after conversing with me while I am left with whatever ache or pain they had. I look at it as one of my blessings and even though sometimes it just happens unconsciously or instinctively I am for the most part in complete control over it and can choose when to allow it to happen.
That aside, I read all things pertaining to esoteric, mysterious, or metaphysical origin. I've assimilated many beliefs from all religions and meshed it into my own belief system, guess you could call that eclectic but if I would have to label myself under a religion it would be Taoist. Though rather recently I have come across a term that does define me and that term is Ontology making me an Ontologist. (kudos to my friend for finding that term) And for those out there that don't know what it means (I didn't know what it meant initially either) it means one who studies the nature of being.