Philospher's / Sorcerer's Stone
Philosopher's Stone - Alchemy

As you can see in the photo it makes a Star of David, a symbol found in both Jewish cultures as well as Hindu; though in the Hindu culture its a symbol for the heart chakra.
"The 'squared circle' or 'squaring the circle' is a 17th century alchemical glyph or symbol for the creation of the Philosopher's Stone. The Philosopher's Stone was supposed to be able to transmute base metals into gold and perhaps be an elixir of life."
Most often times than not, the quest for immortality was sought through material means via external alchemy. Some societies and groups however knew and pursued other methods, mostly through meditation, this was internal alchemy. That sought path is big in Eastern cultures, very few cultures in the West follow it except Golden Dawn (Thelema) and other Kabala groups.
Lightning Mark

The lightning flash of creation on the Tree of Life, how spiritual or divine energy is stepped down into physical reality.
Owls - aside from being a messenger they could have had other meanings. Owls are creatures we associate with wisdom, maybe its from the big eyes that can see everything (much like a wise person can see things advance due to foresight and previous experiences) or maybe its the versatility of the owl being able to turn his neck, able to see what lies both behind him and in front of him. In the dreaming or totem sense owls are associated with clairvoyance and the unconscious. A more abstract link could be associating the owl with Lilith, since it was her sacred animal. In this instance the owl is tapping into the most ancient of feminine archetypes. For those that don't know the story of Lilith she was the first woman, made before Eve was, how she was made varies in the rendition of the story. Some sources say she was made from fire or ashes, others say she was made from clay or mud like Adam was. Both sources above demonstrate why she might be rebellious, fire is hard to control and she wouldn't listen or take orders from Adam because they were both made from the same thing so she seen them as equals. Eventually she goes her own way, leaving the garden.
Wand - phallic symbol or reference, in various pagan or magic circles the wand is symbolic of the fire element and of masculine sexuality. Those same groups often teach how to control and direct that sexual energy (kundalini) to help them attain their goals.
Chamber of Secrets
Chamber of Secrets - Makes me think of the Akashic Records.
Diary - As quoted from J.K. Rowling "a very scary object". She said in an interview, "The temptation particularly for a young girl, is to pour out her heart to a diary."
Phoenix - symbolizes transformation, immortality and renewal. A new phase in life. It may also mean that the past continues to haunt someone.
Parseltongue - A biblical reference perhaps? Eve conversing with the serpent. I take it differently then how it is described or portrayed in the bible. Must be my offbeat Aquarian eccentricity. :D
Basilisk - Greek for "little king;" (Latin Regulus) is a legendary reptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power to cause death with a single glance. So venomous that it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake. Possible kundalini reference.
Prisoner of Azkaban
Sirius Black - Sirius the 'dog star'. A sign of an intense (dog days of) summer if seen in the night sky.
Dementors - Dark creatures with the power to devour a human soul. Much like our own inner demons.
Goblet of Fire
Mermaids - feminine symbol but rather than the typical mermaid ideal these mermaids are more like sirens.
- Reflection, the consideration of lifes struggles, Enforced Sacrifice. Punishment, Loss. Fatal and not voluntary. Suffering generally.
- The force contained, the seed of manifestation guerdoned in the consciousness, Wisdom sought for and obtained from above. Actively seeking Divine Inspiration.
- The sphere of Nature upon instinctual forces, victory over instinctual forces. (i.e. war, conquest, victory, strife, ambition, sex.)
Goblet - womb/feminine symbol used across all ages and all religions. In various pagan or magic circles the goblet is symbolic of the water element, the moon and of feminine sexuality. Those same groups often teach how to control and direct that sexual energy (kundalini) to help them attain their goals.
Slavery - power over the weak
Astrology - "Trelawney tries to guess where Harry's planets were, thinking it was midwinter because of his coloring and tragic past (Saturn is often melancholic or tragic; Sagittarius or Capricorn for midwinter) but was wrong. Harry then corrects her and says his birthday is in July."
(making him a Cancer or Leo, though I'm leaning toward Cancer since he is moody and keeps to himself or a small group of friends that he considers family, and is not flashy or assertive like a Leo would be)
3 Unforgiveable Curses:
The Killing Curse - Avada Kedavra stems from archaic Sanskrit words meaning "From life, nothing". It has the opposite root meaning of the phrase "Abra Cadabra", which means "From nothing, life".
The Cruciatus Curse - Means "I torture" in Latin, originating from crux (genitive crucis), which means "torture platform or stake", or more specifically, "cross". The word excruciating is descended from the same root - crucifixion was a form of torturous execution.
The Imperius Curse - "Imperio" is Latin for "I command".
Order of the Phoenix
Giants - gigantic peoples are featured as primeval creatures associated with chaos and the wild nature, and they are frequently in conflict with the gods, be they Olympian, Nartian, Hindu or Norse. Fairy tales such as Jack and the Beanstalk have formed our modern perception of giants as stupid and violent monsters, frequently said to eat humans, and especially children. However, in some more recent portrayals, like those of Roald Dahl, some giants are both intelligent and friendly. The giants are the origin of most of various monsters in Norse mythology, and in the eventual battle of Ragnarök (Armageddon/Apocalypse) the giants will storm Asgard and defeat them in war. Even so, the gods themselves were related to the giants by many marriages. Medieval romances feature giants as antagonists, or, rarely, as allies.
That which we do not understand, we fear, like the giants in the story.
Order of the Phoenix - a secret society founded by Albus Dumbledore to oppose Lord Voldemort and his
Death Eaters. A secret order that disbands and reforms like that of the reborn phoenix.
Half-Blood Prince
Horcrux - "an object in which a Dark wizard or witch has hidden a fragment of his or her soul for the purpose of attaining immortality. the creation of a Horcrux requires one to commit a murder, which, as the supreme act of evil, it rips the soul apart. After the murder, a spell is cast to infuse part of the ripped soul into an object, which becomes the Horcrux."
The idea behind the Horcrux reminds me of Shamanic soul retrieval that returns fragments of the soul that were split by trauma.
"Horcruxes are extremely difficult to destroy. They cannot be destroyed by conventional means such as smashing, breaking, or burning. To be destroyed, a Horcrux must suffer damage so severe that repair through magical means would be impossible. Very few magical objects or spells are powerful enough to achieve this. Once a Horcrux is irreparably damaged, the fragment of soul within it is destroyed."
This reminds me of a term I once came across, deicide, it means the act of killing a divine being such as a deity. By that logic, I would think our soul or spirit is made from the same 'fabric' that a deity is, they can just control the 'fabric' due to their mastery over the substance.
"A Horcrux can be magically undone only if the creator goes through a process of deep remorse for the murder committed to create the Horcrux. The pain of this remorse is so excruciating that the process itself may kill the creator."
I believe I once came across something that said a soul or spirit can kill itself if it truly wants to, mostly due to too much past lives of trauma. I was in researching mode and came across it through reincarnation and Buddhism, a person was recalling and telling of their lives. One of those lives had such a trauma, but was able to be dealt with.
Regulus Arcturus Black -
Father was Orion, Ursula, Grandfathers were Arcturus and Pollux, Cygnus aunt, Cassiopeia 2nd cousin, brother was Sirius, a cousin named Andromeda. Named after stars, constellations, or star systems.
Regulus - king (Latin)
Not much to interpret here, a reference to royalty.
Arcturus - guardian/watcher of the bear (Greek/Latin); the uplifted one of the lancer, the keeper of heaven (Arabic); Great Horn (Chinese); The Old Man, The First Ones (Inuit); Star which converts dew drops into pearls (Hindu); Star of Boat (Indonesia)
Orion - The Hunter (Greek); The Heavenly Shepherd, True Shepherd of Anu (Babylonian/Sumerian); associated with Osiris (Egypt); Nimrod, Great Hunter/warrior and mythological Father of Hungarians; Scythe of Väinämöinen, comes from the time of harvesting crops; The Deer or Hart (Indian); Fire Drill (Aztec); Star of Plough (Indonesia); Aurvandil "luminous wanderer" (Old Norse); Orion's descendants were Nephilim (Aram/Syria)
Ursula - Freya, goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war and death (Norse); Orsel/Ursel a moon/bear goddess (German); Artemis, goddess of the hunt, took the form of a bear (Greek); Matsu Po, queen of heaven and the sea (Chinese);
Pollux - one of the Heavenly Twins (Gemini); End of the Paw (Latin); North River (Chinese);
Cygnus - Swan (Greek); the Northern Cross
Cassiopeia - "She whose words excel" (Greek); Queen of Ethiopia, beautiful but also arrogant and vain; led to her downfall.
Sirius - glowing, scorcher (Greek/Latin); The Leader (Arabic); Hunter/Deer Hunter/Shiva (Sanskrit); Loki's Torch (Norse); blue star, celestial wolf (Chinese/Japanese); Dog Star, Great Dog, Orion's Dog; Dog-Face, Wolf/Coyote star (Native American); Moon Dog (Inuit);
Andromeda - "chained lady/woman", Perseus' wife, Cepheus' daughter; (Greek/Latin); horse, navel
Regulus, since it means "king" is an obvious reference of royalty along with pearls and swan. Keeper of Heaven and The First Ones is a reference like saying their blood is pure and untainted like angels or like they are from heaven. The hunter/warrior has to do with power, the strong survive and should control, guide, or "shepherd" the weak or impure. Or maybe even to hunt the weak for sport. Luminous wanderer and nephilim is another heavenly pure reference because beings of heaven (angels or nephilim that fell) are supposed to glow or have a halo and all that jazz. Moon and Northern directions deal with the dark and pale colored skin which is what all of the supposed "pure-bloods" have.
Deathly Hallows

'An ideogram from the seventeenth century representing the art of alchemy. This symbol shows the influence of Pythagorean geometry mysticism. It can also be perceived as a symbol for the four elements combined with water as the small inner circle, earth as the square, fire as the triangle, and air as the outer circle.'
I have also seen an alternate meaning of this symbol and it was defined as being a symbol for a void.

This symbol represents Kundalini, the serpent energy. It is the same symbol as the caduceus that we see denoting medical related things.

Kundalini is a Sanskrit word that refers to a coiled energy (like a snake or serpent) that lies at the base of the spine. It only should be awakened after the chakras are strengthened and opened to handle the intensity of it, otherwise its said to be more harmful much like the snake symbol associated with it; the snake can poison you with its venom but its that very same venom that is needed to make an antidote.

Chakras is a Sanskrit word that means wheel or vortex. They are said to make up our spiritual body (soul). There is 7 major chakras of the body from root to crown. The root is at the base of the spine or the tailbone. The sacral is located at the sacrum/hips. The solar plexus, is right below where the upward part of the ribs meet and an inch below that. The heart is self-explanatory. The throat is at the middle of the throat where the Adam's Apple is. The third eye, sources vary, some say its directly between the eyebrows, some says its the center of the forehead. The crown is self-explanatory.
Lastly you can look at the chakras from a psychological point of view. What I mean specifically is it can be in direct relation with growth and maturation. How the first 0 - 7 years of our life is all about survival, we depend on parents to survive and teach us the basics about living and hygiene. Next comes puberty and the development of our reproductive system at 7 - 14 years. 14 - 21 would be about power, we find our strength on something that we are good at, a career that we will pursue in life. 21 - 28 is about family and love, settling down and raising a family. 28 - 35 is about following that inner voice or inner calling in our life, often causing trouble or turmoil in most and referred to as midlife crisis. 35 - 42 I would say is about knowledge and wisdom. . 42 - 49+ I would think would be about learning to take our wisdom and synthesize it into intuition, learning to do thing in balance and moderation, to know our limits, to retire and relax in old age.

Now I understand that mainstream science and medicine consider all of this alternative for one reason or another, but why I do not know. I say that because each of these chakras is directly connected to an endocrine gland along with nerve plexuses. The root chakra is associated with the prostate gland (Skene's gland) but could be the adrenals as well, since the end of the spine it is basically the switch for the nervous system to go into sympathetic mode (awake, alert, fight or flight mode) or parasympathetic mode (relaxed to depressed if the parasympathetic takes over too much); it is a part of the coccygeal plexus. The sacral chakra is connected to the reproductive organs and the sacral and lumbar plexus. The solar chakra is linked with the solar and lumbar plexus and is associated with the pancreas and kidneys. The heart chakra is joined with the pericardium or thymus, and is a part of the brachial plexus. The throat chakra is coupled with the thyroid/parathyroid, being a part of the cervical plexus. The third eye chakra is conjoined with the pineal gland is linked with the choroid plexus. The crown chakra is attributed to the pituitary gland, it also being a part of the choroid plexus.
Aside from all of that, you can also see the connections of the nerve or nerve plexuses in regards to the disks of the spine; like the work chiropractors do.

My personal opinion about why people liked Harry Potter so much is that it is relevant to what is going on deep in the collective unconscious mind of society. I see it as a sort of stepping back into the ways of old (pagan, magic), to rekindle our awe and wonder, like that of the inspiration and enthusiasm of children. At the time of the first book and first film, Wicca and other similar pagan based religions were on the rise. Why I feel they were on the rise is that in those faiths women are more empowered, so its a way of women re-empowering themselves or re-claiming their power. Much like how the Story of Lilith has become quite popular in modern times, which I see as a sign of women becoming more confident.
I don't know if most people know this or not, but the sign of Aquarius is one of androgyny. Astrologers would tell you that Aquarian males will have some feminine features (hips) and likewise the Aquarian females will have some masculine features (big shoulders maybe?). To further add to my point the Egyptian equivalent is the Age of Horus. Currently we are in the Age of Osiris (patriarchal, monotheism) after the male god. Previously we were in the Age of Isis (matriarchal, polytheism/paganism) the mother fertility goddess. The Age of Horus is a blending of the two ages since Horus was their son, thus the androgyny.